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Database Services
More and more public records are being made available online. However, often such records - e.g. corporate registration records - are not searchable by name of an individual. It is in these cases that Maddocks Insight is able to help: through our proprietary technology we allow "reverse" searches of the following:
Lebanese Directorship Searches

The online database of the Lebanon Commercial Register (السجل التجاري) currently contains over 380,000 company entries, with around 360,000 companies listed with "active" status. There are currently more than 1 million officer roles listed in the database. Our technology allows us to search all records for directorships held by a director, individual or company.
Belgian Directorship Searches

The official Belgian corporate registry (Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen) allows searches by company name, registration number, registered activity and address. We are able to conduct searches for directorships.
Luxembourg Directorship Searches

In Luxembourg, company announcements (such as directorship appointments) were published in the official gazette and more recently in the corporate registry itself. Through our proprietary technology, reverse searches are possible by name of director.
Dubai Civil Litigation Checks

Dubai has made available to the public more than 250,000 judgments and rulings online from civil courts, covering first instance courts, court of appeal and court of cassation in relation to commercial, real estate, labour and civil matters. No search functionality is offered on the official website; however, Maddocks Insight can search tehse records by name of plaintiff or defendant.
Bespoke Web Scraping Services
Do you require specific information that is difficult to extract from online public records? Do you need to "reverse" search public data? We can help meet your requirements.